Thursday, 9 November 2017

Features of a pa

I am doing a google drawing  features of a pa and I am doing this model of a marae so this term I am learning new things for this term and learning about how they have to have fences around there pa to keep them safe from other tribes and have a living in there pa.

Parts of a wharenui.

This term our class has been learning about parts of a wharenui and a marae so I have done a slide about parts of a wharenui and things about it. like for an example- A marae is where you come together and enjoy yourself in front of people  and also sad parts like someone pass and you want to do it at a marae. Or a celebration.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Shantytown 2017

On Monday The Te Hiringa kids went to Shantytown with Whaea Kate and Mr B.
We learned about how the Maori's travelled around the west coast and there names Thomas Brunner
Kehu, Pikawatti  and there wife's. this was 150 years ago back in time 1847.

This took 5 months  to travel the west coast to Greymouth. And there found a special something
it was a ponamu and  and as soon as they found out is was valuable  they used it as a weapon  and trading for it like food or clothing and more... 

The tuakana went to the bush walk to build a hunt with the shantytown program people and Me Mia Ella and Royal 
made a good hunt with one of the shantytown people  
  her name is Miss Barbra.and the teacher that was teaching the teina  was Miss smears.

my favourite part was going to the movies and building the hunt   
and making a great effort.

what I would like to do next time  go there is make stuff like and go more outside.