Thursday, 9 November 2017

Features of a pa

I am doing a google drawing  features of a pa and I am doing this model of a marae so this term I am learning new things for this term and learning about how they have to have fences around there pa to keep them safe from other tribes and have a living in there pa.

Parts of a wharenui.

This term our class has been learning about parts of a wharenui and a marae so I have done a slide about parts of a wharenui and things about it. like for an example- A marae is where you come together and enjoy yourself in front of people  and also sad parts like someone pass and you want to do it at a marae. Or a celebration.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Shantytown 2017

On Monday The Te Hiringa kids went to Shantytown with Whaea Kate and Mr B.
We learned about how the Maori's travelled around the west coast and there names Thomas Brunner
Kehu, Pikawatti  and there wife's. this was 150 years ago back in time 1847.

This took 5 months  to travel the west coast to Greymouth. And there found a special something
it was a ponamu and  and as soon as they found out is was valuable  they used it as a weapon  and trading for it like food or clothing and more... 

The tuakana went to the bush walk to build a hunt with the shantytown program people and Me Mia Ella and Royal 
made a good hunt with one of the shantytown people  
  her name is Miss Barbra.and the teacher that was teaching the teina  was Miss smears.

my favourite part was going to the movies and building the hunt   
and making a great effort.

what I would like to do next time  go there is make stuff like and go more outside.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Ma pango...

for ma pango ma whero ka oti Te mahi we had to say what this means to us and this is what it means to me. The whakatauki mean that black and red go together and the work will be complete. so this is what I done.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Week 1 and 2

Image result for teacher

i learnt about the return of the moa it was so fun you could see how many animals are extinct or threatented like a dodo they are extinct or like a gaint panda they are threatented.and on week 2 I learnt about seek so you could get a job for online. like you could get a job for a teacher

Image result for return of the moa

Monday, 12 June 2017

Kei te ...

In Te Hiringa we have been doing kei te slideshow and sentences here is an example Kei te manu ahau and here is a little about my story it is like this... the bird has no food so he went to the shop and when he came back .... to be contined hope you like it.

Tuesday afternoon

On the next day we went to the lolies shop and there were lots of lolies there were sour and sweet .
and all of us had five dollers so I brought sour lolies and I ate one my taste bubs were so sour I went so red
then after the lolies shop .

 We went rock climbing and once we got there our group had to put saftey gear. on first before we start rock climbing so we all had to wait for our turn until it was my turn I felt sceared and weird when I started so there I went to rock climb but I only went half.
Image result for hanmer springs lolly shopImage result for rock climbing

Monday afternoon

On Monday totara and Te Hiringa went to hamner spring for camp and we went to the hanmer hat pools It was so fun the super bowl was so fast and i felt scared my first time also the dark hole.

It was so fast you would be like side to side and you see these little white arrows going zig zag I would love to go there angain I ejoyed it.

Image result for super bowl hanmer springs

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Reflection Week 2

Last week we did some work on Maori Gods and we had to make DLOs on all of them. Here are my DLOs.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Equivalent Fractions

we have learnt about Equivalent fraction here is mine.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Book Spines.

In term two we have been working on Book spines. it is 4 to 5 books and  making your own poem. It does not have to make complete sense. But here is mine.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

My Rakau license

I finally got rakau license it is my full license for my Chromebook. it is when you work hard and do what the teacher says. and you focus on your work also get stuff done fast.and that is how you earn it .


Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Pepa ,Kuti , Toka

In Te hiringa we been doing Pepa, Kuti, Toka that means paper, scissors, rock.And we had to see who would win? As you can see the points on the page the person who won was ... Ella we done first attempt. But not the second attempt. It  was really strange Because Ella was wining the hole time.

Monday, 27 March 2017


I have been doing a mathsbuddy task and this is what I been doing.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

blog profile

we had to practice a blog profile and this is mine in kawa of care.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Saint Patrick`s Day Questions

Today I did a Saint Patrick`s Day slide and I wrote down 5 questions that I had to find the answers to. Here is my Slide show.

Monday, 20 March 2017

poetry Tanka/Haiku

we have been working on poetry in our class we wrote a tanka and a haiku it tells you what it means in the slideshow.

Reading Fractions

we have been Fractions and we had to say what a fraction is? and this is what I wrote

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

my new license

Last week I got my pihinga it is my Restricted license Rivir,Ella and I got our license. We are so happy but we had to earn it and you reach for yours.

Monday, 13 March 2017

If I...

in our class we have been doing If I...   we would not be a person but what would we be?

Friday, 10 March 2017

Stem and Leaf graph - Basketball shots

We did a stem and leaf graph of basketball shots in Te Hiringa.